09/10/24Added P130 and numerous other updates that occurred in previous months but was to lazy to log.
03/28/24Added P141, added leafs to O23, paragraph marks added to ST, and minor improvements to 04, KJTR, 64491
12/14/23Fixed the back/forward button behavior (again)
11/24/23Finished adding paragraph marks to all critical texts, other minor website improvements
10/20/23Transcription view changed to one leaf at a time, composite witnesses introduced, other website improvements
10/20/23Paragraphs added to WH, medial final sigmas replaced in ST
08/29/23Some improvements to website look and feel.
08/18/23Updated parsing information and other minor improvements.
04/11/23Added probabilites to the Universal Apparatus and some other minor improvements.
03/16/23Minor update to some variant boundaries.
03/01/23Added Universal Apparatus and made similar UI improvements to the collation.
12/03/22Fixed back button in collation thanks to Radu Brehar and other minor updates.
11/13/22Minor miscellaneous updates.
10/17/22SR is released, miscellaneous updates.
07/12/22Updated SR beta to Release Candidate 1, verse at a time collation view, and other collation improvements.
04/08/22Parsing simplification, some gloss spelling corrections, and some other minor improvements.
04/01/22Fixed some minor bugs and updated beta version of the Statistical Restoration (SR) Greek New Testament.
03/22/22Added beta version of the Statistical Restoration (SR) Greek New Testament and made some other minor improvements.
02/01/22Enhanced collation to display some of the different variant types and whether their boundaries are dependent or independent on each other.
01/01/22Fixed multiple errors in 032 transcription detected by Gustav Berloty.
12/07/21Fixed bug that omitted text from certain class 2 transcriptions.
12/07/21Updated MES transcription format to make it slightly easier to work with.
11/03/21Several collation alignment and parsing improvements.
06/30/21Fixed bug that put empty verses in the transcription view.
06/18/21Updates to collation format after applying the orthographical priority approach and a few minor transcription improvements.
05/07/21Changed manuscript numbering scheme to include foreign languages in the future.
04/08/21Minor updates to collation format.
03/11/21Class 2 data classified as " direct quotations, ' incorporation, and ` allusions.
01/16/21Miscellaneous updates to website.
01/13/21Finished adding vid to the database.
01/11/21Split the CNTR Project Description into the CNTR Project Overview and the CNTR Technical Reference.
12/02/20Added feature to remove spaces and other artifacts from transcriptions leaving only the letters.
10/01/20Developed the beta version of the world's first computer-generated Greek New Testament.
08/31/20Fixed some minor BHP errors.
08/16/20Added hypen to manuscripts to indicate words broken across line boundaries.
08/15/20Updated 04 transcription fixing numerous errors.
08/03/20Added transcription details to manuscript metadata.
07/26/20Fixed several BHP alignment errors in the collation.
07/01/20Updated P1 transcription to reflect that it consists of 2 leafs.
07/01/20Fixed bug when collation pages are duplicated from browser tab.
06/30/20Made minor improvements in transcription metadata formatting.
06/29/20Internal database change involving the order of scribal hands.
06/21/20Fixed bug where second scribe added verse missing from original scribe.
06/21/20Updated 05 transcription by adding recontructed leaf 354 and a hand dated circa 400 AD.
06/18/20Fixed some alignment problems and changed some words in lacuna suggested by Leon Grabenšek.
06/17/20Made separate lexical entries for words ending in "περ".
06/10/20Updated 029 transcription and images.
06/07/20Fixed problem in transcription of TM06231C at Matt. 12:50.
06/06/20Updated images for 02, TM062318B, TM06231C.
06/03/20Fixed bug in collation regarding later hands spotted by Alistair McPherson.
06/03/20Updated TM62337 transcription and images.
05/29/20Updated collation and made various parsing improvements.
05/29/20Made minor updates to the BHP text and changed the download format.
05/28/20Updated 02 provenance.
05/26/20Made minor updates to the CNTR project description.
05/19/20Updated the Kings James Textus Receptus pdf download to the 2020 version.
05/05/20Fixed various problems related to ESN's and fixed more descrepancies in the BHP+.
03/29/20Fixed descrepancies in the BHP+, added the KJTR 2020 text, and added individual names to the credits.
03/21/20Installed new alignment system and fixed some other minor errors.
01/18/20Fixed bug in collation where parsing was sometimes left off of variant first word in a verse.
01/18/20Updated alignment and parsing for some verbs which are homophones but with different endings.
12/26/19Added transcriptions for P137, P138, and P139.
12/24/19Updated provenance formatting.
12/18/19Updated transcription and images for 032.
12/12/19Fixed some minor parsing errors.
12/09/19Updated critical texts to include accents, capitalization, and punctuation.
11/29/19Fixed several alignment problems pointed out by David Harwood.
07/26/19Fixed several nomina sacra parsing errors.
07/04/19Fixed several bugs and made minor improvements to website.
07/02/19Made several updates to CNTR Project Description.
06/21/19Fixed bug in leaf selection numbering for several manuscripts.
05/11/19Fixed KoineGreek font to work better with mobile devices.
05/08/19Fixed error in image links with P75, 01, and 02.
05/08/19Updated entire website design and added new features to the manuscripts page.
04/19/19Add interlinear feature to the collation and updated it on the website.
03/30/19Made hundreds of improvments to the transcriptions and updated the collation format to distinguish dittography and spelling errors.
03/29/19Converted all processing and utility programs from jscript to nodejs.
03/23/19Developed first cut a universal slot system for aligning all Greek New Testament sources.
02/12/19Added morphological parsing and glosses to database for all CNTR words representing all important variants in the NT.
09/01/18Minor corrections made to the BHP data file spotted by David Mott.
06/13/18Updated provenance for P39, 0206, 0220.
06/12/18Made manual adjustments to fix collation alignment problems.
06/01/18Made minor transcription changes to P45, P46, P47, P49, P66, P75, 01, 04, 032, mostly involving word divisions
04/08/18Redesigned database structure and software to store collation alignment.
04/05/18Revised manuscript provenance format.
02/26/18Made major revision to the CNTR Project Description.
12/29/17Released the Bunning Heuristic Prototype (BHP) critical text.
12/12/17Released the CNTR Greek Character Utility Program.
12/07/17Fixed error in GA-0169 transcription.
10/31/17Adjusted lat/long point plotting to conform to Google maps latest convention.
09/27/17Fixed major bug spotted by René Nyffenegger in XML where words containing breaks were omitted in all manuscripts.
08/15/17Adjusted verse break at Acts 3:1 for P91, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, WH, SBL.
08/14/17Removed iota adscript from "ηιδει" spotted by Joey McCollum in John 6:64 WH, John 13:11 ST, John 18:2 NA28.
05/03/17Added * to mark the verse boundaries in P132 and P133.
04/21/17Added transcriptions for P132 and P133.
04/20/17Made several updates to the project description, particular in lexicology and morphology.
04/20/17Added icons for the manuscripts that have images.
04/18/17Corrected transcription to "αφανισθησονται" in GA-04 at 2Peter 3:10 spotted by Patrick James.
04/13/17Made minor updates to New Testament Greek Reference Guide.
03/10/17Made several updates to revised Strongs numbers.
02/04/17Fixed error of nomina sacra in GA-04 at John 17:21.
01/25/17Made minor updates to P91 metadata.
01/16/17Released first cut of revised Strong's numbering system (made visibile by hovering over a word).
01/15/17Made minor improvements to the collation alignment algorithm.
01/12/17Made some adjustments to some word divisions particularly related to stray letters.
12/30/16Fixed typos in KJTR to "περιπεπατηκει" at Acts 14:8 and "ισχυρα" at Rev. 18:2.
12/23/16Wrote program to find sound-alike words based on phonemes to identify alternative spellings and misspellings.
11/30/16Added table of lexical entries to database tying all word forms to all lemmas to all words.
11/23/16Added option to filter out groups of witnesses in the collation.
10/29/16Added transcriptions for TM-61871 and TM-64670.
10/24/16Converted entire MariaDB database to Microsoft Access for easier editing of tables.
09/28/16Discovered that the verses listed in TM-61774 were mislabelled and contacted trismegistos.org to update their records.
09/26/16Updated provenance for P39.
09/26/16Updated P72 leaf numbering, although it still may not count the number of extant leafs properly.
09/07/16Corrected transcription of GA-04 at Matt. 1:9, 5:9, and 2Pet. 2:11 from errors spotted by Todd Price.
08/15/16Revised project description to include the manuscript standards and future direction.
07/23/16Fixed gap reduction bug in collation which had occasionally blanked out some words.
07/21/16Released new 2016 KJTR text with improved methodology and orthography.
06/12/16Added transcriptions for TM-64596, TM-64663, TM-145321, TM-641699 and GA-P134.
06/11/16Fixed bug in transcript location numbers where extra columns or lines were skipped after a page break.
06/08/16Restored latest version of KJTR pdf had reverted to earlier version during the move to a new domain.
06/05/16Added links to individual images wherever possible.
05/25/16Updated transcription of GA-P98.
05/22/16Fixed errors in versions divisions for GA-04 and GA-032.
05/21/16Fixed word division problem with οτι and ο τι.
05/01/16Moved entire website to new web hosting site accessible by the domain http://greekcntr.org.
04/30/16Added zip file of all transcriptions using the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) XML format.
04/28/16Fixed bug where unknown characters were not displayed correctly in the transcriptions and collation.
04/28/16Improved transcription formatting for GA-P51, TM-61795, TM-62318A.
04/24/16Improved transcriptions of damaged characters for TM-61317, TM-62312, TM-62325, TM-62826, TM-63017, TM-64243, TM-64692.
04/23/16Corrected bug which caused minor lacuna mistakes on first word of pages in GA-P46, GA-P66, GA-P75.
04/22/16Added additional text from PSI inv. 2101 to transcription of TM-62337.
04/17/16Fixed transcript boundary errors for GA-P4, GA-P35, GA-P98, GA-P114, GA-0207, TM-33368, TM-61317, TM-61715, TM-61839, TM-61873, TM-62343, TM-63017, TM-63857, TM-64522, TM-140277.
03/19/16Remade collation using a new alignment algorithm.
03/17/16Parsed all words in the texts to lexical entries and corrected numerous errors mostly related to word divisions.
02/05/16Made changes to internal database structure to allow for easier updates.
01/30/16Fixed several transcription errors related to word divisions.
01/27/16Added New Testament Greek Reference Guide under the resources tab.
11/22/15Added 2015 SBL Conference powerpoint presentation under resources.
07/06/15Fixed bug in collation format where lines were occasionally doubled.
06/09/15Updated website html structure to use flexboxes.
06/04/15Converted all programs from PHP to Javascript.
04/02/15Updated all metadata including provenance and adding links to OCLC, Trismegistos, TGN, and Google Maps.
12/26/14Added transcription for GA-04.
10/26/14Changed order of sorting based on the average date instead of the first date.
10/25/14Added transcriptions for TM-102798, TM-119961, TM-120128, TM-120527, TM-120528, and TM-120532.
10/08/14Corrected TM-63820 which had been mislabeled as TM-63280.
09/24/14Added transcription for GA-0323.
09/21/14Fixed bug in the collation format. Minor problems will remain until the texts are parsed.
09/19/14Added more leafs that were missing from GA-029+.
09/09/14Added transcriptions for TM-59453, TM-61617, and TM-61840.
09/06/14Released revised version of website and updated the Project Description and Manuscript Standards documents.
08/31/14Updated html formatting of collation and transcripts.
07/18/14Reclassified P7, P10, P50, P62, and P78 as Class 2 manuscripts with Trismegistos numbers since they do not represent continuous texts of the New Testament.
07/02/14Converted manuscript data to SQL tables allowing for future parsing and word searches.
03/17/14  Beta release of the CNTR website.