Logfile - Notes

Often in computer software development, logfiles are used in order to record pertinent information relative to the execution of computer programs over time. From the list of information contained in a logfile, a programmer can determine the course of events encountered by a computer program. Similarly, this project is a brief snapshot of some the experiences encountered throughout my spiritual journey. I tried to include songs that spanned the entire course of my Christian life up to that time.  Here is my Logfile.

June 1980, Jesus Is Love
This is when it all started. After a long, fruitless struggle to compose my first song, I woke up one morning and this song just happened. This was the beginning of a wonderful summer with the Lord as I endeavored down this new road of experience. The next three songs were of eleven that were written that summer. Maybe I'll sing the others for you someday.

July 1980, What's The Difference?
"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul" (Matthew 10:28). "I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death" (Philippians 1:20). "If we live, we live to the Lord; if we die, we die to the Lord.  So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord" (Romans 14:8).

July 1980, Satisfied
There is no one else. Nothing else compares to Him. This is my love song to Jesus. I love You, Jesus.

July 1980, Are You Hot?
Revelation 3:15-16, Mark 4:1-20, John 3:19-21. Where do you fall?

July 1981, Sunshine
There was a time when I began writing Christian music via other musical forms; this is one of them. This song could have been done better, but the other one of me kept screwing up.

December 1981, True Meaning
The world attempts to distort the meaning of many admirable concepts which God had created to be inherently understood by man (i.e. freedom, love, happiness). These only find true meaning and fulfillment in Christ; everything else is a deficient counterfeit.

December 1981, Only Waiting
"Blackbird" was the first real song I learned on guitar. I liked the song so much that I somehow had to find a way to use it for God.

February 1983, Something New
I often like to just sit down at the piano and begin expressing my innermost feelings towards God. Late one night on a grand piano, it seemed as if He was making everything new. Revelation 21:5.

May 1983, Planted Like A Tree
Those who delight in the Lord have been planted by streams of living water. How can we possibly do anything but grow in this environment? Especially with the ever attentive care of the Gardener. Try to remember this when you are experiencing growing pains. Psalm 1:1-3.

June 1983, Unless I Need You
The Lord is not just a nice option for our lives, we must desparetly need Him.

May 1985, Unfailing Love
I didn't hear this song until later in 1986 when visiting my dear brother Bob Evans (a former college roommate). After my visit, this song just stuck in my mind and in my heart. Brethren, we need to confess our sins and believe the Word of God that declares we are forgiven. Don't dwell on your sin or try to punish yourself, but rejoice that your Father has forgiven you. To condemn yourself is to deny the work of the Cross which declares, "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1).

March 1986, My Claim To Fame
In High School, I constantly sought after popularity and praise from my peers. However, after Jesus became Lord of my life, I began to understand my acceptance in Him. I once received a bad review singing some of these songs to a secular audience. But although I received little praise from men that night, I knew that God had a big smile on His face because His Gospel was proclaimed. Not that I look for fame by using Christ or Christianity, but just knowing Christ is all the fame I want.

February 1987, Be Still
This was the last song I wrote as of the making of Logfile. In my journal I wrote: "For apparently no reason at all, there are certain times...when the Lord ministers so greatly to me that my heart wants to explode! There is so much love that I can't stand it. I don't want to move." Psalm 46:10.

I don't think that there was ever one time during the making of this project that I felt entirely comfortable with it. Nothing ever seemed to go the way I wanted it to. But I have trusted the Lord in all of this and I hope that somehow He will use these songs to minister to you.