
 1Click on a verse number to jump to the equivalent verse in the collation
🔍Click to display an image of the manuscript page (where available)

Character Conditions

cCharacter is present in normal readable text
cCharacter is damaged but traces of the character remain
cCharacter is supplied by non-variant text
cCharacter is supplied by vid
cCharacter is supplied by presence vid
cCharacter is supplied by supposition

Special Characters and Ligatures

Implied nu

Word Corrections

cWord edited by a scribe


^Correction by original scribe
a,bCorrection by later scribes

Editorial Characters

Nomina sacra, abbreviated numbers, or implied nu at the end of a line
_Word division insertion that was not present in the modern text
Place where there was an alternative verse division
[]Words or letters considered suspect in some modern critical texts

Unknown manuscript boundary
Line spacer (missing or ignored words)

For more details, consult the CNTR Technical Reference.